Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 - Pros and Cons (Recent Changes)

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2020 - https://jamesebomoyi.com/ I'll be discussing the pros and cons of the program. As we all know, there's no such thing as a perfect program, so hopefully you'll find this review informative enough to make a sound decision.
Once I’ve discussed the pros and cons, I’ll use an analogy to describe what the program is like. In one of my previous videos, I spoke about what my first year was like with WA, however I didn't get a chance to discuss the other part of WA for people who would like to promote it.
The other part is known as affiliate bootcamp, and you can promote more than just WA, you can promote other make money online products.
The final thing I'll be touching on is the bonuses I'll be offering for people who sign up under me. These bonuses are packed with very potent information and if you apply the secret strategies I lay out, you can experience similar results.
So I'll be giving you a YouTube bonus, a Google bonus, and over 2,000 pre-sold low competition keywords just to properly set you up for success.


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