Aftercare For Window tint
Keep windows rolled up -
Make sure to keep your car windows rolled up for 4-5 days. This assures that the felts on the sides of the door panel do not scratch the fresh and drying tint.
Haziness is normal
Don’t worry about any wet bubbling or hazy pockets. These will evaporate as the tint dries over the next 4-5 days.
Ammonia free products
When cleaning the inside of your vehicle, be sure to use ammonia free products and a microfiber cloth or soft towel. Other products can be harsh or hurt the film.
Tint is not invincible
Throughout the lifetime of your vehicle, be sure to not assume that the tint is invincible. Though it is strong, any harsh pressure cause it to scratch or peel. Alway be cautious.
Make sure to keep your car windows rolled up for 4-5 days. This assures that the felts on the sides of the door panel do not scratch the fresh and drying tint.
Haziness is normal
Don’t worry about any wet bubbling or hazy pockets. These will evaporate as the tint dries over the next 4-5 days.
Ammonia free products
When cleaning the inside of your vehicle, be sure to use ammonia free products and a microfiber cloth or soft towel. Other products can be harsh or hurt the film.
Tint is not invincible
Throughout the lifetime of your vehicle, be sure to not assume that the tint is invincible. Though it is strong, any harsh pressure cause it to scratch or peel. Alway be cautious.
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