6 Ways to Protect Safe Home Security Systems from Hackers

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If you are considering adding smart home capabilities to your home, you want to make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to ensure that your home network is properly secured.
Research the Device
If you are going to include any smart home devices in your Safe Home Security System, you will want to make sure that you get equipment manufactured by a reputable company that includes important security protocols. Your equipment should have password protection, one or two-step authentication and has the means to update the firmware and security software.
Register the Device
Not only should you register the equipment for warranty purposes, but also to be sure that you are receiving any firmware updates. These are important because the often address any known issues.
Pay Attention to Passwords
Change default passwords, immediately. Use a variety of letters, cases, numbers, and symbols that one would have a hard time guessing.
Every device should have a unique password. That way, if one is compromised, you are not granting access to all your sensitive accounts.
Create a Secure Wi-Fi Network
It is highly recommended that you take steps to protect your entire home network. Make sure that you have changed the name of the network and default password. Choose a network name that doesn’t give away your address or personal details.
Many routers will also let you create a Wi-Fi network specifically for your smart home devices. That way you can seperate your “smart home” network and make it more difficult for hackers to get into the network where you do your banking and store your sensitive information.
You might also want to set up a Guest network for visitors’ smartphones and computers. This way they can’t see or access your IoT devices.
Consider Professional Installation
If this sounds like more than you can handle, you may want to opt for a company that offers professional installation with built-in smart home integration. Technicians should be able to help you optimize network security.
Reset to Factory Default Settings
Before you dispose of, sell or give away any smart devices, make sure to remove all of your data. Follow the manufacturer’s directions to do a full factory reset.


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